WP1: Analysing social-ecological systems (SES) under telecoupling

The first work package led by the University of Bern will analyse how telecoupling influences decisions on land use, and how these in turn modify the flows of ecosystem services and their impact on human well-being. For this purpose, we will identify the actors involved and study their relational patterns by means of social network analysis (SNA). We will expand existing SNA, firstly, by integrating actors’ attributes such as categories of well-being, their demands for ecosystem services, and their agency and, secondly, by tying actor networks to discrete geographical locations.
Our PhD students explain in short video messages what their task is within the work package and what goals they want to achieve with their scientific work.
For more information, contact: Peter Messerli
Observations in the field
Challenges of data collection - A participatory approach to understand land use change in forest frontier contexts in the humid tropics

By Jorge Llopis, Phokham Latthachack and Tun Tun Thein
We developed a novel approach that allows us to acquire a precise and temporally-dense understanding of land use change in our study areas. Combining very high resolution satellite imagery, participatory mapping workshops and transects walks with local land users as inputs to an innovative land use change classification method, we are able to develop maps with information on change dynamics from 2000 to present time.
Exploring clove production in Indonesia: Comparable to the Madagascar case study?

By ETH PostDoc Enrico Celio
Madagascar has become the number one exporter of cloves. In our case study in Northeastern Madagascar, cloves attract a lot of attention from local farmers and are therefore significantly shaping the landscape. Our hypothesis regarding the clove value-chain is that cloves are exported abroad (to the global North) and processed there.
Chasing after the actors linked to the land use and the land use change in north-eastern Madagascar

By PhD-Candidate Onintsoa Ravaka Niaina Andriamihaja
The second field mission regarding the research task working on the land use decision-making started on November 20, 2017. The goal was to find out the organizational actors and to get an overview of the flows and the institutions linked to the land use and the land use change in the villages.