Other Publications
Storymap: Global interests collide in Madagascar
Madagascar is one of the world’s most important biodiversity hotspots. International nature conservation organizations and donors, including Zoo Zurich, are working to protect the country’s last tropical forests from deforestation. But in the wake of rising global prices for vanilla and clove, local farmers are growing even more of these crops – often at the expense of forests. Nearby the conservation areas of Masoala and Makira, our researchers have shown just how strongly the global competition over land and resources impacts local development. For it to be sustainable, the various international actors must work together – for the benefit of all.
Rules of the Game – ComComp
Master student Lino Saam developed a game extension for the existing REHAB game. The extension focused on the actors’ power relations in Payments for Ecosystem Services Schemes. For this thesis, we collaborated with the group ForDev of ETH Zürich and Esther Mwangi of CIFOR. The rules of the game may be found below.